Cotton Seed Meal

Cottonseed meal is a byproduct of cotton farming and is primarily used as a high-protein animal feed and organic fertilizer.


  1. Animal Feed: Cottonseed meal is commonly used as a protein-rich supplement in livestock and poultry diets. It contains about 41-45% protein, making it a valuable source of nutrition for animals. It's often included in rations for dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry to supplement their diets with essential amino acids.
  2. Organic Fertilizer: It's rich in nitrogen (around 6%) and provides a slow-release source of this essential nutrient to plants. Additionally, it contains other nutrients also like phosphorus, potassium, and trace minerals.
  3. Soil Amendment: Beyond its role as a fertilizer, cottonseed meal is used to improve soil structure and tilth. It helps to increase microbial activity in the soil, which aids in nutrient cycling and enhances soil health. Its organic matter content improves soil water retention and promotes beneficial soil organisms.
  4. Supplement in Composting: Cottonseed meal can also be added to compost piles to enhance the decomposition process. Its nitrogen content accelerates microbial activity, leading to faster breakdown of organic matter into nutrient-rich compost.
  5. Fungal Control: Some studies suggest that cottonseed meal may have fungicidal properties, making it useful in controlling certain fungal diseases in plants. However, its efficacy in this regard may vary depending on factors such as application method, concentration, and specific fungal pathogens.
  6. Biodegradable Mulch: In some cases, cottonseed meal has been explored as a biodegradable mulch material.